Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the beginning...

Good afternoon, nerdlings!

Alright, so I'm not a dad yet. You got me. But I will be, someday. Soon, hopefully. I  figured, since I met my wife on the big, scary internet, I'd share with you, the people of Earth, our journey from being nerdly gadabouts to good ol' Mom and Dad.

A little background first:

Like I said, I met my wife, Lisa, here on the internet, on a site called okcupid.com. Maybe you've heard of it. It started out because we were both lonely and horny, and essentially looking to get laid, but quickly turned into something more (obviously, she married me!). We've been married since May 21st, 2011- by my count on my iPhone it's been 136 days. Best 136 days of my life, even though there have been a few bumps along the way- but that's what marriage is all about- being with your best friend through thick and thin. We're not exactly well off, as would be the case with a couple just starting out, and with no accomplishments on the wall other than our high school diplomas (Just kidding! What kind of rube puts their high school diplomas on the wall?!). Aaaanyway, this blog is intended to chronicle my journey from hard-drinking, pack-a-day-smoking piece of garbage into Mr. Cleaver with a pull list and the Star Wars original trilogy on BluRay. I'll write out my thoughts about Lisa sending me on a 2 am crusade for Hot Cheetos and Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream, as well as misdaventures in changing little Benjamin's (or Olivia's!) diaper for the first time.
Nerds make the best dads, in my opinion. My dad's a nerd, and Lisa's dad is, too. And now I'm a nerd. And someday soon, I'll be a nerdly dad.

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